The AcuRev 1312 meter supports a built-in wiring check function, this allows users to identify what the actual error is on the meter.
This check uses the voltage and current phase angles to determine if there is a wiring issue. If the difference in voltage and current phase angle is greater than 30°, the meter will consider this a wiring issue.
There is a wiring check option for both the voltage and current connections. The wiring check can be viewed on either the meter display or from the utility software.
NOTE: Ensure to use the wiring check when the meter has a sufficient load on it, otherwise the wiring check will not be accurate.
Meter Display:
To view the wiring check on the meter display press and hold the “SCROLL” button. You will be redirected to the voltage wiring check page.
The wiring check is displayed as a sequence of 0’s and 1’s where the “U” represents voltage.
U XXXXXX, where X is either ‘1’ or ‘0'.
Sequence Explanation:
Press “SCROLL” to navigate to the next screen. The second screen is the current wiring check.
The wiring check has a sequence of 0’s and 1’s like the voltage check. The “I” at the left of the screen represents current.
I XXXXXX, where X is either ‘1’ or ‘0’
- ‘0’ represents the connection is correct.
- ‘1’ represents the connection is incorrect.
Sequence Explanation:
Wiring Check Summary: